After-Hours Emergencies
In the event off an emergency during Cedar Veterinary Hospital‘s after hours, please contact one of the local animal hospitals below so that your pet may get the care it needs.
Emergency Care
We’ve listed ER’s closest to our location for your convenience in the event of an emergency.
24/7 Pet Vets
Website: 247petvets.com
Location: 1639 N. Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93703
Phone: 559-486-0520
Fresno Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center
Website: fvsec.com
Location: 6606 N. Blackstone
Fresno, CA 93710
Phone: 559-451-0800
Pet ER
Website: fresnopeter.com
Location: 7375 N. Palm Bluffs Ave
Fresno, CA 93711
Phone: 559-437-3766